Tuesday, November 16, 2010

According to necolebitchie.com, this picture is not for a fashion show but just a picture of the sisters during a “casual stroll” through Central Park in New York. WTF??!!! This is what you wear during a casual stroll when you have money like they do? I mean look at Kourtney, she looks like she’s going to a gala of some sort and Kim looks like…well like Kim.

When I was younger, Brandy was my FAVORITE person in the whole world, now I see why…she’s so cute! But ahem (clears throat) is it me or does it seem like her and Maksim might be a couple in the works?! That chemistry is something strong!!!!! I think their nickname once (IF) they become public should be Braksim! lol

brandy on dwts week 9
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Please someone tell me why she did this? I don’t think it’s cute at all.

Monday, November 15, 2010

R.I.P Messy Mya

For those who don’t know who he is, he’s an internet sensation form New Orleans. He’s known for “booking” people which is basically talking about people in a comedic way. If you you tube him, you’ll pretty much understand what I mean. But supposedly, he was shot and killed last night and the details as to where and why are still sketchy for me so I’d rather not report the speculations. All I know is all this senseless killing needs to stop.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I heart the matching sheer top dresses!

Can Kanye catch a break please???

If you guys follow Kanye West on twitter, you were able to view first hand his frustrations and outrage over how Today's Show Matt Lauer handled him and certain topics during their recent interview. George Bush recently released his memoir in which he talks about how Kanye West calling him a racist was one the most horrible experiences in his presidency. Kanye West went on and expressed his empathy for having said such a thing because he was also called one after the Taylor Swift fiasco. On the Today Show however, instead of getting to express how he now feels about saying that as he intended, he felt like Matt Lauer was trying to force his answers on him and didn't appreciate that they were playing the now infamous MTV clip as he was trying to give the interview. So now he's upset and has decided he is no longer deign any press (we'll see how long that lasts). He had also scheduled to perform on the Today show on Friday prior to this whole incident, I wonder if he'll cancel....

Chanel Iman, the 20 yr. old Victoria's Secret model, received her official wings at last night's show. I can't wait till it airs November 30th. I love watching this every year!

Another cry baby in Hip Hop

According to something I read on Necolebitchie.com (S/O to her, she is a great source), everybody's favorite swagger jacker (first with the real Rick Ross's identity and now with  the deep, guttural HUUH he now does on his songs, which is synonymous with Biggie) got upset and stormed out of the 2010 Soul Train Awards show that took place yesterday. Apparently he was nominated for "Best Hip Hop Song"(I'm guessing for BMF) and lost to Eminem which upset him a great deal. To this I say: Kanye West has already done the "I have a big ego and now I'm going to get mad and storm off because I lost" thing before and quite frankly, no one else should. It doesn't show good sportsmanship, and it makes you look petty. So you lost this one, you'll win plenty more. I won't lie, BMF is the song, I still get live for it till today, but the people that voted thought Em's song was better. (shrug) get over it!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monica is back on twitter!

A few weeks ago, Monica sent out an array of tweets telling her followers she could no longer use the social networking site for an unknown reason. Well that reason has come to light. Apparently she’s had a stalker for the past 6 years who was gaining access to where she was, what she was doing and etc. based on her tweets. According to Monica, he’s been arrested so she’s free to share with her fans again. Good for her, having a stalker is a no deal!